C Introduction

C is a general-purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie.
C is used to write operating systems, databases, applications and other system software.
C is a very popular language.


Developed by Dennis Ritchie in early 1970s.
C introduced several features that made it more powerful and versatile language.
later on C has developed to introduced more programming languages.


C language is used in many fields such as in

  1. Operating Systems
  2. Embedded Systems
  3. Game Development
  4. Compilers and Interpreters
  5. Financial and Database Systems

C Structure

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  printf("Welcome to C Tutorial");
  return 0;

#include <stdio.h> - It's an header file, which has all the necessary information to include the input/output related functions in our program.
Example: printf, scanf etc.
int main() - The main function is the starting point of program execution. We can declared it with integer or void.
printf("Welcome to C Tutorial"); - Prints the value iven in the printf() function.
return 0; - The calling function will expect an integer value from the main function as it is declared the function main() with integer.

Note: Always keep semicolon " ; " at the end of each line.

Environment Setup

Install C IDE on your PC and start running your own code.
Here are some applications and software used to install IDE

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. Code::Blocks

After deploying c in your pc, create a new file with .c extension and start your c program.

Quick Recap - Topics Covered

Introduction and history of C
Structure of C

Practice With Examples in Compilers

The Concepts and codes you leart practice in Compilers till you are confident of doing on your own. A Various methods of examples, concepts, codes availble in our websites. Don't know where to start Down some code examples are given for this page topic use the code and compiler.

Example 1
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5
